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  • 非裔美国学生


» 非裔美国人/黑人学生

We hope you will use the 资源 here to connect with your fellow students and the larger African-American/Black community to make the most of your Chapman experience!


Welcome from Misty Levingston, 黑人卓越与成就主任misty-levingston-1.png

澳门威尼斯人app下载的 黑人卓越与成就主任, I am happy to lend you a helping hand as you delve into what Chapman has to offer.

We have a growing community of African American/Black students who have established a 支持ive network you can join. From student clubs and organizations to cultural events in the community, 有很多途径可以让你参与进来.

Should you ever need any guidance or 支持, don’t hesitate to reach out to me at levingston@bjmsqqls.com.

你可以 在Instagram上关注黑人卓越与成就!



Chapman is dedicated to nurturing the success and community development of African American/Black students with 支持 systems and helpful 资源, 包括:


Click the links to learn more about each student organization and get contact 信息.

  • 非洲学生联盟: 提供社区意识的学生组织, 支持, and cultural awareness for African students and those interested in African 文化 through cultural celebrations, 研讨会, 还有社交聚会.
  • 黑人法律学生协会: 福勒法学院的学生网络.
  • 黑人家长和家庭网络: A forum that serves as a resource to parents and 家庭 members as they navigate the college experience with their Chapman students with notifications of events, 研讨会, 以及整个学年的志愿者机会.
  • 黑人资源中心(BRC): Serves as a home base for all-things Black at Chapman – events, 资源, 新闻, 信息, 指南, 实习, 工作, 还有更多. The center is also a place where you can connect with each other, 问问题, 参与讨论, 或者分享你认为对社区有帮助的资源.
  • 黑人学生会: Empowers the Black community at Chapman by providing fundamental 支持, 资源, and 信息 while fostering connections with other communities on campus.
  • 兄弟的真心话: Provides an intentional community space for students to meet bi-weekly and share their 经历 as men of color.
  • 澳门威尼斯人app下载黑人电影协会: 旨在提高和增加知识, 经历, and overall opportunities for students of African descent with interests in any/all aspects of filmmaking.
  • 姐妹循环: Provides an intentional community space for students to meet bi-weekly and share their 经历 as women of color.

学生 can also learn about and join clubs in person at the Student Involvement Fair, 每学期举行一次.


  • 黑人教职员工论坛: A network of 教职员工 members at 澳门威尼斯人app下载大学 that are here to provide 支持 and advocacy for the Black community.
  • 跨文化中心: Provides students with a safe space and offers programs and services 目的 to affirm the value of and 支持 students from underrepresented identities.
  • 跨文化教育和资源小组(CERT): 一个教师顾问团, 工作人员, 而学生的献身精神更强, 更包容的社区. They work to empower students following potential bias incidents that affect our campus community.
  • 学生办公室主任: Serves as a resource for students by assisting in matters that impact the learning of all students.
  • 多元化事务委员会: Addresses issues of diversity and equity on campus and actively seeks the concerns of underrepresented groups to solve issues.


  • 黑人毕业: An annual celebration that takes place to honor the achievements of Chapman’s African American/Black students, in addition to the official university commencement ceremonies that all students participate in.
  • 黑人家庭回归: An orientation event held every September where African American/Black students, 校友, 教职员工, 家庭, 朋友, 社区聚集在一起享受美食, 音乐, 和赠品.
Strategic Corporate Communication Major; 领导 Minor
"My time at Chapman expanded my horizon and exposed me to embark on talents I never realized I had. One of those talents is communication and speaking the language of connection, 和我在DEI办公室的工作有关. Allowing students to be seen and heard from underrepresented 文化 here at Chapman!"


There are many academic opportunities for Chapman’s African American/Black community, 包括:


我们的 非洲研究 允许学生检查历史, 文化, 社会, 文学, and arts of people of African descent and their contributions to world civilization.


  • All Chapman students can choose to go abroad for a semester, 整整一年, 或者旅行课程, 哪个更短,在冬季或夏季学期举行. 
  • 通过 澳门威尼斯人app下载全球教育中心, you can find additional scholarships for studying abroad by identity, 位置, and guidance in finding a program that best suits your wants and needs.


Many African American/Black students study abroad every year. If you are interested in learning more about your heritage and immersing yourself in African culture, 全球教育中心提供的 在非洲不同地区的项目 让澳门威尼斯人app下载的学生好好利用!

你可以 find more 信息 about studying abroad as an African American/Black student on our 海外有色人种学生网页.



参观 非洲/美国/黑人申请人页面 for more details about scholarships designed specifically for African American/Black students, along with a list of options that can help financially 支持 your college education.



(714) 997-6671


在Instagram上关注Chapman Black Excellence

Stay up-to-date on 新闻 and events for Chapman’s Black community, 米斯蒂·列文斯顿定期更新.


在这里你可以找到一份员工名单, faculty and administrators who are advocates for student diversity and inclusion at Chapman. 所有员工, 教师和管理人员都是学生权益的倡导者, the people in these lists have committed to being an open door and advocate for students from underrepresented communities.