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» 约翰·福尔斯中心 for Creative Writing


Please join us for the Spring 2024 文艺读物系列. 作者名单很快就会出来.

The 约翰·福尔斯中心 for Creative Writing serves to promote 和 advance the discipline of creative writing in all its aspects: fiction, 诗歌, 戏剧, 创造性的非小说类 电影.

The Center offers 学生 和 non-学生 alike an opportunity to gain a greater appreciation for the "written word" 和 those who write it. Each year a distinguished group of national 和 international writers is invited to 澳门威尼斯人app下载大学, making these writers available not only to the Chapman community, 还有奥兰治县和, 通过扩展, the Southern California community as well.

现在进入了第二个十年, the 约翰·福尔斯中心 for Creative Writing has invited to Chapman such national 和 international writers as, 诺贝尔奖得主全·索因卡Mario Vargas Llosa; Salman Rushdie; Lawrence Ferlinghetti; 查尔斯•伯恩斯坦; Edward Albee; Alain Robbe-Grillet; Maxine Hong Kingston; 雷蒙德Federman; 史蒂夫·卡茨; David Antin; 达契亚Maraini; 路易莎Valenzuela; Elias Khoury; Erri De Luca; 不可思议的瑞塔; 劳尔国家; Karen Tei Yamashita; Lucian Dan Teodorovici; Zufikar Ghose; Giuseppe Conte, Isabel Allende, Giorgio Pressburger 克劳迪奥·Magris 在许多其他方面.



April 8: Greek Novelist, Alexis Stamatis
6 p.m.

April 22: Chilean Novelist, Carla Guelfenbein
6 p.m.


While on a sabbatical in 1996 at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, UK, Dr. Mark 阿克塞尔罗德 met a professor who had established the Arthur Miller Centre for American Studies. One of the Center's distinguishing features was that it invited national 和 international writers to speak while they happened to be in the UK.

巧合的是, UEA was looking for other institutions that might have an interest in being part of a consortium to run 约翰家禽 estate as a writers’ retreat after he died. Dr. 阿克塞尔罗德, having known Fowles a decade earlier through some correspondence, agreed to meet with Fowles to discuss the possibility of Chapman joining the consortium.

Dr. 阿克塞尔罗德 traveled to Fowles’ estate in Lyme Regis where they discussed future plans; during the conversations, Dr. 阿克塞尔罗德 seized the opportunity to ask Fowles if he would be willing to attach his name to a center at Chapman similar to the one at UEA.

约翰·福尔斯回答道, “If it would be helpful to promote creative writing for 学生, 那么无论如何.”  And so the 约翰·福尔斯中心 for Creative Writing was born.

多年来, the JFC has invited some of the most distinguished writers in the world including Salman Rushdie, 路易莎Valenzuela, Lawerence Ferlinghetti, 约翰·艾, 不可思议的瑞塔, 艾丽西亚帕, 艾丽西亚Kozameh, hib Conteris, 雷蒙德Federman, 史蒂夫·卡茨, 罗纳德·Sukenick, 劳尔国家, 伊丽莎白·乔治。, 大卫·迈特林, 劳里石头, 查尔斯•伯恩斯坦, 拉里McCaffery, 威利斯Barnstone, 达契亚Maraini, 弗朗西斯卡Duranti, 朱塞佩·孔蒂等等. Not only has it become a 澳门威尼斯人app下载大学 institution, 但它已经获得了区域性, national 和 international notoriety 和 has become a draw for 学生 和 community alike.


hib Conteris, 1934-2020


It is with great sadness to share the news of the loss of writer, hib Conteris in June 2020. Mr. Conteris was one of the most enthusiastic of writers to have visited the Fowles Center. 享年86岁.

El martes 2 de junio murió con 86 años el gran 戏剧turgo, narrador, ensayista y docente uruguayo hib Conteris.