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» 计算机工程

Devices — from the phone in your pocket to the most powerful supercomputers — are critical. 它们对我们的工作、学习、娱乐和生活至关重要. That’s why understanding the technology behind them and envisioning where that technology will go in the future is important.

澳门威尼斯人app下载的 计算机工程 program gives you the tools you need to become an innovator in new and emerging technology.

一路走来, 您将深入了解计算机体系结构, 硬件及软件设计, 编程, 网络, 系统, 电子和更多.


In 澳门威尼斯人app下载的 计算机工程 program, you will learn how to:

  • 为任何可以想象的目的设计硬件和软件
  • Build the future of tech by melding new and emerging technologies with the tools, 人们每天使用的设备和器具
  • Develop the next generation of tech as a hardware or software engineer




  • Create the next generation of high-performance computers and computer networking
  • 发展卫星制导和导航系统
  • Engineer autonomous vehicles and overhaul the landscape of transport and travel
  • Build medical devices that interact seamlessly with internal organs

You will also have a career advisor who will help you explore your career options along the way. 计算机工程专业的毕业生可以从事以下工作:

  • 嵌入式系统工程师
  • 实时软件工程师
  • 专用集成电路(ASIC)设计者
  • 现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)设计器
  • 硬件测试工程师
  • 系统集成专家
  • 通信系统工程师
  • 计算机系统工程师




GCI is a unique two-year research project that is part of the curriculum for all incoming first-year students in Fowler Engineering.



Swenson Hall is our brand-new home for engineering at Chapman, where you have access to the facilities and technology you need to collaborate and innovate. Plus, you will get to learn in labs and work with the latest tech and equipment in open study spaces. See more of what Swenson Hall has to offer on our facilities page, or check out the space yourself with this virtual tour:



We’re dedicated to making science engineering accessible to everyone. That’s why all our 电气工程 applicants are eligible for 工程奖学金 从3000美元到100%的学杂费不等.

These awards support promising engineering students who are underrepresented in the field and/or are interested in certain disciplines.



Computer engineering has been around for a long time, but it’s still a relatively young field. 每天都有新的发现和发现.

澳门威尼斯人app下载, you will jump right into research and tackle real-world problems alongside your professors and fellow Panthers in the 大挑战计划. You may even get published in a scientific journal as a student. 

查看我们的 研究的机会 page for a snapshot of what research topics our faculty (perhaps your future professors?)正在追求. If anything piques your interest, feel free to contact them directly.


Angel virgin从小就通过游戏结交朋友. 现在, he’s helping kids find a community through game design and animation thanks to his Masimo Scholarship. 查看我们的 blog to see how all of 澳门威尼斯人app下载的 Masimo Scholars are doing great research and giving back to the community.


Take your passion for engineering worldwide in one of our many study abroad programs. 澳门威尼斯人app下载的 全球教育中心 is here to help you expand your horizons and gain a worldwide perspective.



福勒工程学院提供各种 一个学分的课程 (298s) on a rotating basis so students can explore a range of areas outside of the core computer science and engineering curricula.



Chapman is home to a passionate community of engineering students, so joining a 学生社团或组织 is a great way to build your connections and develop your engineering skills. Plus, you’ll make lifelong friends and colleagues while you’re at it.



对下一步感兴趣? 学习 如何申请 或浏览我们的 转移的先决条件.

想了解更多威尼斯人app澳门威尼斯人app下载的信息? 我们随时待命 参观及简介会. 我们很高兴见到你!






You can explore all of 澳门威尼斯人app下载的 undergraduate majors and minors with our 程序仪.


和澳门威尼斯人app下载所有的项目一样, the engineering degrees offered by Fowler Engineering are accredited by the Western Association of 学校和学院 (WASC). 另外, 我们的 BS degrees in 计算机工程 and 电气工程 have been designed to align with the criteria outlined by ABET (formerly called the 认证 Board for Engineering and Technology). We plan to apply for accreditation once permitted, per ABET guidelines for program maturity. That timing is typically associated with the graduation of the first cohort of students from that degree, with all degrees retroactively receiving ABET accreditation following successful completion of the ABET application process.



(714) 997-6711



Develop cutting-edge skills in designing component-level solutions that cross domains and explore intelligent algorithms that turn vast amounts of data into new levels of understanding.




我们的 凯克科学与工程中心 是澳门威尼斯人app下载的一个全新的工程学院. 在凯克中心, you will have access to the facilities and technology you need to collaborate and innovate. Plus, you will get to learn in labs and work with the latest tech and equipment in open study spaces.